What do I do now?
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If you have just been arrested, or if you found out there is an arrest warrant for you, please call us .

It is crucial you remain silent until you have secured legal representation. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. Your best chance at building a good case is to speak with a lawyer before you talk to the police.
10 things to do after you’re arrested
1. Call Steele Law
Call Margaret Steele. Communicate with Ms. Steele everything about the facts and
circumstances of your arrest.
2. Take Photos
Take photos of any injuries you have or damage to your property or anything related to the “crime scene.”
3. Save Everything
Save all text messages, emails, Facebook posts, or statements made by the person accusing you of this crime.
4. Write it Down
Write down your version of the events while they are fresh in your mind and write down contact information for any potential witnesses that can help you.
5. Don't Talk Back
Do not respond to any text messages from your accuser or witnesses. A protection order will be in effect.
6. Keep it to Yourself
Do not share information with other inmates or people you don’t know relating to your arrest.
7. Shut Down Social Media
Do not post to social media. Shut down or suspend all social media accounts.
8. Share it or Back it Up
Send all communications with the accuser to your attorney or save it to the cloud.
Essential evidence is often lost. Back it up.
9. Focus on the Evidence
The only evidence that matters is evidence that actually exists. Act accordingly.
10. Be Patient
Quite possibly the hardest thing of all – be patient. This can be a slow process.